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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / The Browser Ratings Blog - Picking the best Internet browser
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The Browser Ratings Blog - Picking the best Internet browser

Page history last edited by Alex Backer, Ph.D. 13 years, 6 months ago

I'm in the search for a good web browser.


Every version of Internet Explorer I ever tried, through 8, was way too slow. Now I have a Mac, and IE doesn't even work on the growing population of Macs.


Firefox has become too slow to download webpages. It hogs way too much memory. And it crashes.


Chrome is blazing fast, and I love the autocomplete that does not require the arrow keys. But it's not compatible with some Zoho buttons.


Safari is sometimes way too slow.


All three of those crash sometimes.


iCab  has no private browsing and too many redirects error when accessing Google calendar.


And Opera was doing great until I realized it misreads clicks on an OpenLaszlo application (as does Chrome), is unable to login into, and causes delays with Gmail.


The dictum is clear: the world needs a better browser. Unless you want to make their memory usage even worse by using several at once.


Have a better one to suggest?



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