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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / The selective advantage of female orgasms

The selective advantage of female orgasms

Page history last edited by Alex Backer, Ph.D. 12 years, 11 months ago

"In keeping with previous findings, Zietsch and Santtila found that same-sex identical twins had more orgasmic similarity than same-sex non-identical twins and siblings, showing that genes do play a role in orgasmic function and apparently providing some evidence that the by-product scenario might be correct." (


What did they think, that orgasms were programmed by LEGOs or transistors?


Not only does female orgasm strengthen a couple's attachment through oxytocin release, but its intense pleasure makes women who experience them more likely to have sex. Finally, because (most) men take pleasure in giving pleasure to their mate, something that irks back to ego, mirror neurons and reciprocity, female orgasm makes women more attractive, and thus more likely to have their choice of mate.


To call the female orgasm a male nipple...just because it's not tied to ejaculation does not mean it's there along for the ride!


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