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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / The Theory of Many-Body Relativity

The Theory of Many-Body Relativity

Page history last edited by Alex Backer, Ph.D. 16 years, 9 months ago

(this is very much work in progress)


Consider the twin paradox. There are a few unsatisfactory aspects of Einstein's theory of relativity:


1. The difference in time elapsed that special relativity predicts for reference frames moving at different speeds is proportional to the time traveled. This suggests that the twin paradox is an effect of special relativity. And yet during that time of no acceleration, the state of the two bodies is symmetrical with respect to each other: with no ether, both are simply moving with respect to each other. Unless we consider other (third) bodies.


2. If the time (e.g. aging) in a moving body depends on the velocity of the body, velocity with respect to who? If with respect to the reference frame vs. which we are contrasting times, why should it should depend on velocity with respect to that body (or reference frame) and that alone?


It is helpful to consider a simple universe with just 3 bodies: 2 moving away from each other, and 1 'static' in the middle. Then consider the same but with two static bodies toward infinity in the direction in which the 'moving' bodies are moving.


A resolution of these leads us to the following, after considering that a body moving faster may be moving toward or away from bodies:


1. Time is a consequence of interaction with other bodies or fields.

2. The time elapsed in a reference frame should depend on its velocity with respect to every moving body around it.

More speculatively:

3. The faster you move past fields, the slower time moves.


Testable predictions:

1. The time elapsed in a reference frame should depend on its velocity with respect to every moving body around it

More speculatively:

2. Time (e.g. decay of a radioactive body) in a reference frame isolated from other bodies or fields should behave differently than in the presence of fields.

3. Time for a body may be quantized by the wavelength of the fields reaching it.


An open question: if gravitation and acceleration are indistinguishable according to general relativity, then just like to every mass corresponds an accelerational pull, then should there not be a corresponding mass for every acceleration?


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