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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / The importance of acknowledging mistakes in customer service
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The importance of acknowledging mistakes in customer service

Page history last edited by Alex Backer, Ph.D. 12 years, 4 months ago

I just canceled my 2nd phone # in a week. The 1st one I canceled because of the bad coverage. The 2nd I canceled because of incompetent customer service.


I had called in in December to get a cheaper plan because their coverage is so bad that I cannot use as many minutes. The operator failed to realize I was in a dual-phone plan, and got me a combination of plans that was more expensive than the one I had before, even though I now enjoyed less minutes. Realizing that the day that I got my new bill, I called to request a credit for the mistake. Talking to 3 people including 2 supervisors was not enough to get the problem solved. So I canceled all my service.


Some companies just don't get the fact that customers need to be treated well.











Comments (1)

Tim said

at 10:14 pm on Dec 31, 2010

Might want to reconsider leaving this page up... ;-)

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