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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / Movies Everybody Ought To See

Movies Everybody Ought To See

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

It seems to me that one could fashion a school curriculum out of the best movies of all times and perhaps learn more than kids learn in much of school today. Here is my list. (When the movie is not in English, I have provided country of origin)


It's interesting that a vehemently non-religious person like myself should have opened this list with two movies (At the End of the Spear and Luther) whose topics touch religion and which were made by deeply religious people. All the more reason to see them.


At the End of the Spear (2006). Based on a true story, and one of the most gripping ones I ever heard. About the first meaningful contact between an Amazon tribe and American missionaries. This movie's reviews by the critic show how aloof and out of touch professional critics are from the mainstream public. Beautiful cinematography and powerful acting, despite the difficulties of shooting a movie about an Amazon tribe. Provides a fascinating glimpse into the mentality of a missionary as well as into that of an aboriginal tribe in the Amazon with little contact with so-called Western civilization. If you ever wished you had lived in the time of Columbus' and Magellan's great discovery voyages, this is a chance to see just such a clash between cultures in the twentieth century.


Tristan and Isolde (2006). Love versus friendship. Guess who wins?


Thank you for smoking (2005). A lesson in how people give stories spin.


Tiempo de valientes (Argentina, 2005). A story of corruption and courage.


Hotel Rwanda (2004). A real story of survival in times of genocide, about hopelessness and the sad realities of human nature.


Les Choristes (France, 2004). A story about mentorship, with some of the most beautiful choral music I have ever heard.


March of the Penguins (2004). An incredible story of nature.


The Notebook (2004). A story about passion.


Troy (2004). A classic story about the power of (Diane Kruger's) beauty. This movie wouln't really make this list, except so few people actually read Homer that if you didn't, you might as well watch the movie to hear the tale.


Love Actually (2003). A wonderfully told story about, love, actually.


Luther (2003). The inspring story of Martin Luther.


Nicholas Nickleby (2002). A story about courage and coping with loss.


Shackleton (2002). Real-life adventure at its best.


Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Rings (2001). A story about a mission greater than those carrying it out, with memorable characters, wonderfully brought to life and with one of the best opening scenes of the history of cinema, music, color and all.


Amelie (France, 2001). A cinematic delight.


Serendipity (2001). Lighter than others on this list, a story about persistence, love and, well, serendipity.


The Prince of Egypt (1998). The story of Moses, like it has never been told, with music to part the seas.


Abre los ojos (and its English-language blockbuster version, Open your eyes) (España, 1997). An eye-opener, about the future.


Cenizas del Paraiso (1997). About the perils of fighting corruption.


La Vita E Bella (Italia, 1997). A story about showing your best face to the worst day.


The English Patient (1996). Simply a superb story about war.


Apollo 13 (1995). A true story about persistence in the face of difficulties.


Braveheart (1995). A story about leadership. Mel Gibson at his best.


The Shawshank Redemption (1994). A story about life in prison.


Schindler's List (1993). A story about compassion (sort of), courage and making a difference.


Tango feroz: la leyenda de Tanguito (Argentina, 1993). Set to great music and showing a wonderful naked body, this story of injustice made an impact on me as a youth.


Dead Poets Society (1989). A story about teachers and grabbing life by the horns, and the movie that popularized the phrase and spirit of CARPE DIEM. Robin Williams at his best, and one of the most stunningly beautiful scenes of the history of cinema.


When Harry Met Sally (1989). A story about love, and persistence. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan at their best, and one of the funniest scenes in comedic history.


Rainman (1988). A story about the charm in being different. Dustin Hoffman, one of cinema's greats, at his best.


Amadeus (1984). A story about a musical genius, with some of the most beautiful music ever composed.


Sophie's Choice (1982). A loss that dwarves all others.


The Godfather (1972). A Mafia story about family, debt, gratitude and quid pro quo.


The Sound of Music (1965). A story about savoring life.

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