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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / Election reform
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Election reform

Page history last edited by Alex Backer, Ph.D. 16 years, 6 months ago

The way we count votes is fundamental to the outcome of elections in democracy. Today, most, if not all, states send all the electors, as a block, corresponding to the party that wins the most votes for presidential elections in that state. This means that only closely contested states matter to candidates, as a change that does not change the overall winner in a given state does not change the outcome at all. This distorts the interests of the electorate represented from the perspective of candidates, and gives an inordinate weight to so-called swing states.


I believe America would greatly benefit from a change in election law that would make representation in national elections (whether through electoral college or otherwise) proportional to the vote received rather than in state blocks. A majority of voters would benefit and it could have a huge impact. Although a Federal mandate seems to make the most sense, non-swing states that enacted such a change would immediately reap the benefits of increased attention from national candidates and politicians (since the hope of re-election makes most politicians future candidates).

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