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Alex Bäcker's Wiki / The ridiculous security features in Windows Vista
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The ridiculous security features in Windows Vista

Page history last edited by Alex Backer, Ph.D. 14 years, 7 months ago

I am a late bloomer in ranting about Windows Vista, and certainly not alone, so I will limit myself to two comments:

1. A few days into using Windows Vista, I have yet to detect an advantage of it over XP, other than the years-in-waiting "do this for every file" option.

2. Vista incessantly "protects" you by asking for your intervention every time a program tries to run or access the Internet --basically, most every time you do something. The problem is that all the information it gives you to decide is the name the program claims for itself. So a malicious program would just need to call itself with a trustworthy name to gain most users' trust. This could be easily improved by having Windows check the Internet for any of many digital fingerprint of the program trying to run or connect to the Internet to find if it is associated with any malicious threats or not.


Up to Technology.


--Alex Backer

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